Clean with light!

Die Abbildung zeigt das Logo von Schulz - Gebäudetechnik in Bestform

UV-C acts via the air

UVC radiation is a well-known disinfectant for air. It has been used for decades to reduce the spread of bacteria. Therefore, UVC lamps are considered "germicidal" lamps. Viruses and bacteria such as the Corona virus are transmitted, among other things, via aerosols that accumulate in the air indoors. This happens mainly in enclosed spaces such as schools, restaurants and offices. One infected person can already infect many others through the air.

We place the UV-C disinfection lamps in the upper part of a room, where it cannot be reached by other people. Then the light is already ready for use. When the light reaches the viruses, the rays destroy the viruses' DNA and inactivate them.

According to various studies, continuous irradiation of the air achieves a disinfection efficiency of 99%. UV-C disinfection is therefore based on a purely physical process and works without chemicals, toxic compounds or the risk of resistance formation. 

Die Abbildung zeigt mehrere UV-C Lampen - UVC-Desinfektion in Bestform
Die Abbildung zeigt UVC-Desinfektionsleistungen von Schulz - Gebäudetechnik in Bestform

the air we breathe

We offer our customers all-round carefree service from a single source:

  UV-C light is effective against viruses (such as COVID-19) and bacteria
  Cost effective to install
  Easy to maintain
  Economical energy budget

We offer our customers all-round carefree service from a single source:

  UV-C light is effective against viruses (such as COVID-19) and bacteria
  Cost effective to install
  Easy to maintain
  Economical energy budget

Kills viruses
(such as COVID-19)

Given the current corona situation, ultraviolet-C (UVC) lamps have become particularly relevant for disinfecting rooms. 

Use for example in

  • Commercial space / stores
  • Office space
  • Practice rooms
  • Waiting rooms
  • Gyms
  • Schools
  • Kitas
  • Gastronomy

The advantages at
a glance:


Laboratory tests have shown that after a 9 second application of Signify UV-C light sources, the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 virus on a surface is reduced to an undetectable level.


Laboratory tests have demonstrated that all bacteria and viruses tested to date respond to UV-C disinfection.


UV-C devices save time and costs for cleaning and disinfection. And they can also be used as part of a hygiene concept.


To enable safe operation, the UV-C units are either installed with on-site integrated safety devices or timers, which are supplied. Or they must be installed together with appropriate safety devices.

environmentally friendly:

No emission of ozone during or after use.


Also NEW and IMPORTANT: "Under Bridging Aid III, eligible companies in Germany can claim expenses for hygiene measures. This includes UV-C solutions. For more information, please visit the website of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy under point 2.4.7 of the Bridging Assistance.


The installation of UV-C disinfection

The installation of UV-C disinfection

The installation must be carried out professionally, otherwise there may be damage to health. As a certified Signify partner and specialist company, we can set up the technology at your premises risk-free. Then visitors, employees and yourself are better protected from viruses and bacteria. Our products are only used for air disinfection.

Die Abbildung zeigt UV-C Zertifikat - UVC-Desinfektion in Bestform
Die Abbildung zeigt UV-C Zertifikat - UVC-Desinfektion in Bestform
Die Abbildung zeigt UV-C Zertifikat - UVC-Desinfektion in Bestform
Die Abbildung zeigt das abgewandelte Logo von Schulz in Herzform - Gebäudetechnik in Bestform

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